Monday, October 02, 2006

Call for Flash Fiction, Poetry, and Spoken Word

Deadline: December 8, 2006

The ultimate goal: your mind in words.

Flash fiction is an especially short story that gets at the core—a microscope’s view of the world. Writing poetry is an act of discovery, not just words laid out in lines. Spoken word is your lyrical voice, your inner thoughts, and energy emerging through poetic performance.

The Theme - “A Moment in Time: Zooming In on My Life”

"Create a short story, poem, or spoken word performance that zooms in on a specific moment in your life, as a photographer zooms in on a subject to capture intricate details. You can choose an extraordinary OR an ordinary moment from your life, as both types of experiences can be influential. Take a walk through your past, the memories of your mind: watching a fluttering butterfly; witnessing a car crash; smelling the pages of a new book; riding your bike and getting lost; sipping your mom’s hot chocolate in the winter. Relive an experience where you felt adrenaline, elation, discomfort, or contentment. What life experience has shaped you? What image or sensation will be forever etched in your memory? What significant moment do you want to share with the world? Be as specific as possible, getting at the details and using as many senses as possible: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell. All poetic forms, fictional experiments, and spoken word performances are welcome". --VSA arts website; Arts in Action

For further information visit the VSA arts Writing Project web page.