Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sixth Poetry and Short Story Book Release

VSA Arts of Charlottesville Albemarle announces the release of their sixth Poetry and Short Story book, Through Our Eyes, written by individuals with disabilities and their caregivers in central Virginia. Through Our Eyes originates in the love of human experiences and imagination. The publication is a result of an ongoing poetry project sponsored by the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County Parks and Recreation Departments, in collaboration with the Charlottesville/Albemarle VSA Arts. The project promotes writing, creativity skills and the therapeutic value of poetry for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers.

Serving as an inspiring collection of one hundred and seventeen poems and short stories, Through Our Eyes, is written and designed by individuals who want to share their daily accomplishments, as well as struggles, taking you along on their journey. The fifty-two writers represented in Through Our Eyes represent a much broader voice . . . . . . .they speak for the 58 million Americans with disabilities, the fastest growing minority group that affects one in five households.

Some of the authors have disabilities from birth, an accident, disease, medical conditions due to aging and mental or learning disabilities. However, they all celebrate their abilities and uniqueness with us through written thoughts.

The book can be purchased for a $10.00 donation at the Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Department in the City Hall Annex or by calling 434-970-3264. Anyone interested in helping to promote all forms of art for individuals with disabilities may join the Charlottesville/Albemarle VSA Arts Committee. The committee works closely with VSA Arts of Virginia, an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Perf