Tickets are $7.00 at the door and $5.00 in advance. Advance tickets can be purchased at Lipstock Laser & Cataract Center, 3701 Westiere Parkway, Innsbrook, just off of Cox Rd.
Want to get involved? Dreamers seeks volunteers and donations to help make its program and productions successful. Dreamers is sponsored by VSA arts of Virginia and the Weinstein Jewish Community Center.
VSA arts of Virginia is a member of the international network of VSA arts, an affiliate of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.VSA arts, an affiliate of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1974 by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith to create a society where all people with disabilities learn through, participate in and enjoy the arts. VSA arts provides educators, parents, and artists with resources and the tools to support arts programming in schools and communities. VSA arts showcases the accomplishments of artists with disabilities and promotes increased access to the arts for people with disabilities. Each year millions of people participate in VSA arts programs through a nationwide network of affiliates and in more than 60 countries around the world.